Hayley graduated from Capella University in the spring of 2021 with a Master of Science in Psychology with a specialization in ABA. She works primarily as a Behaviour Consultant for Catalyst Behaviour Services as she pursues international accreditation. Her previous experiences have included supporting individuals with severe challenging behaviour and a wide range of diagnoses across school, home, and clinical settings. 

 She has a passion for therapeutic programming that maintains the dignity of the child first and foremost. Her goal is to create meaningful relationships with her clients and use a strengths-based approach to skill development. Hayley empowers the people she works with to use their strengths to achieve their long term goals. She does this by gently guiding and encouraging them to use their strengths to increase their repertoire of skills. This allows for increased social opportunities, improved academic abilities, and skills for independence across a wide variety of environments. 

 Hayley’s clients immediately feel the strong connection and compassion she delivers. Relationship building is key to growth in any area of life, and Hayley is easily one of our most skilled contractors at building strong relationships with individuals and families. Her joy for her practice is contagious and motivating to anyone who has the joy of working with her.  

Behaviour Consultant

Hayley Reddigan, M.Sc. Psyc- ABA
